建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)或者建筑信息管理(Building Information Management)是以建筑工程项目的各项相关信息数据作为基础,建立起三维的建筑模型,通过数字信息仿真模拟建筑物所具有的真实信息。
[1] 它具有信息完备性、信息关联性、信息一致性、 可视化、协调性、模拟性、优化性和可出图性八大特点。
[2] 将建设单位、设计单位、施工单位、监理单位等项目参与方在同一平台上,共享同一建筑信息模型。
[3] 利于项目可视化、精细化建造。
Course outline: Introduction Building information management (BIM)
Version: 1.0
Lecturer: R. Lauxen Msc., Bim manager & BIM innovator at Sweco Netherlands.
Maximum attendees: 50
Setup: 5 days, 2 hour per day
Spoken language: English
Type: presentations; workshops; live demonstrations, discussions.
General description
This is a five day course where we will address many different topic’s around BIM. BIM is mostly know as Building information model. In a broader sense BIM also means Building information modeling and Building information management. This means that BIM is not just a collection of software skills; it is a new way of engineering process. Every day we will have a different main topic addressing several aspects of BIM. The students willlearn and experiencewhat BIM is, and how to put BIM into the framework of civil engineering. They will also learn how to start from scratch and how to help a company developing BIM.
Program outline:
- every day will start with a presentation introducing the main topic of the day;
- several days will contain a workshop or demonstration;
- every day will end with conclusions and a debate about the main topic of the day.
Monday – Main topic: why should we do BIM?
- brief history of our field
- digital revolution;
- main framework;
- route map to BIM.
Tuesday – Main topic: how does BIM work? – part 1
- what is the process behind BIM?
- BIM game
Wednesday – Main topic: how does BIM work? – part 2
- how about the technology behind the process?
- what about BIM-community and open standards (in China)?
Thursday – Main topic: how does BIM actually looks like?
- live demonstrations of BIM-uses;
- VR/AR and 3D printing as a means of communication
Friday – Main topic: how to develop BIM?
- Legal & government: how to demand for BIM?
- How to develop BIM at engineering & building companies? BIM as a career?
- Final discussion: how will the field of engineering look like in 5 or 10 years? And in 30 years?